Visit your deck on Moxfield and click the Edit/Bulk Edit link. Copy the main deck to your clipboard and paste it into the textarea above. Press the load deck button to start loading the cards. Unless there was an issue with copying the deck from Moxfield, no errors should occur.
First, begin by selecting a tagging mode by pressing the settings button (). Here, you can select to hide cards that have been tagged. This can be useful if you want to tag every card in the deck so that the cards that remain untagged as you go will remain on the screen. Beside the settings button, you will see a list of current tags. Depending on the hidden tag settings, the global or deck specific tags might not be on the list. To add a tag, you can press the plus button () and type in your tag name before pressing the attached plus button. To tag a card, ensure that the proper tag is selected by clicking on it, then you can click on the cards that match the tag. When you switch to a new tag by taping on it, depending on the tagging settings, the cards you previously selected will disappear, making it easier to see which cards have not yet been tagged. When you are finished, you can click the Done button.
Click the Copy Deck button and paste the deck into the Bulk Edit page on Moxfield. Then click the save button.